Today I was determined to think positive (isn't it funny that when you decided you are going to be positive that's when it seems like everything negative starts to happen?) I was looking back at some of my posts and I feel like man I am a downer and even though there are A LOT of things that I can (and have) complained about there are A LOT of things that are going our way! We have been very blessed and I feel like I need to make time to share the positive so here we go...
First and for most we have our salvation a thing that I can wake up every morning and thank God for! We have been blessed with two of the most AMAZING kids EVER and not only that but God saw fit for Fred and I to be blessed with 3 more littles!!! WE have an AMAZING support system made up of family and friends. We have a wonderful church family that is behind us and sending us prayer! If it ended there that would be good enough... But it doesn't!!! Fred has a GREAT job that makes it possible for me to stay home and devote my time to the kids care and our home (and the possibility of going back to school or starting my own business... we will see what God has planned) His job provides very good health care and because of his job we are not dependent on our government which is a HUGE blessing!!! We have a home that we own, 2 vehicles that run and a bathroom that has great plumbing! Our kids go to a GREAT school where they have care providers that REALLY care about their future and their development. We just couldn't be more blessed!
We have court tomorrow which will get this ball a rolling! Today when we went for our morning visit we caught the right bus and got to see our kids! We didn't take pics today because we just wanted to have a great visit and play with the kids. They were happy and silly and soooo fun to be with I can only imagine what they will be like one year from now!!! For our afternoon visit we got on the wrong bus and had to walk back a good little hike but it was BEAUTIFUL out today and we really enjoyed the time together! Fred decided he was going to make potato soup so we looked up a recipe and headed to the market... we looked up everything we need in Russian so if we needed help we could ask someone! We had a GREAT dinner and we are just planning out the rest of our trip!
There is an Asian circus in town and the missionaries invited us to come along with them on Saturday to see the show, Fred and I are actually very excited! One of the missionaries that is here helping us is Canadian and Monday is Canadian Thanksgiving so she invited us over for dinner we are thinking about making a Greek salad or maybe I will just buy one from the market here... Greek salad is really big here and at the Ashan market they make it fresh and it is SOOO SINKIN GOOD!!!!
We have tried to get down to Simferopol a few times and we just have not been able to make it. We are planning on visiting the family we stayed with on our first adoption. Since we last adopted Alim and Lenia got married and Alim let us know that they just found out they were expecting a baby!!!! We plan on heading down early next week for a day or two. I think Tuesday and Wednesday, then back to KR for a few visits before Fred heads to Kiev to meet his Daddy! (That's another blessing, Fred's Dad John is flying here to help us finish up the adoption and bring the kids home!!!) They should be back in KR Sunday morning and Monday the 10day wait is OVER!!!!! So we are blessed to have so much to look forward to, I can't tell you what a difference that makes!!!
PLEASE Pray that all goes well in court tomorrow and by the time you wake up Fred and I will officially be parents to 5 children that are blessed with down syndrome!!!! I can't wait to make that announcement!!! To God be the Glory!!!!
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