You may think I am crazy but I swear in the 48hrs these children have been in my care I have seen a change. The BIGGEST change is in Bridget for sure. She is WAY more alert and not so sleepy all the time. She is more vocal and I feel like she is stronger! Yesterday for the first time we saw her pick up a toy rattle. She actually picked it up and held it above her head (she was laying) and then shook it a little!!! Fred and I just froze, we couldn't believe it and we didn't want to look away so I of course did not get a picture... Bummer! Then today I was playing with a piano that she likes (She likes toys that light up and sing) when in the past I took her hand and helped her to press the button to show her what she is capable of she usually uses her chin or her tongue but today.... today she used her little tiny hand to make her toy go all by herself!!!! She is STRONGER for sure!!!
Silas is a true BOY. He LOVES to wrestle with his Daddy but sometimes goes a little too far. He doesn't know his strength yet. He just wants to go go go! He is not a fan of toys most times he tosses them, remind you of another little Karol boy anyone??? He will be up and running with Rorie before I know it so I am going to enjoy this time while I can. Oh and He LOVES to be outside. Today was the first time he actually did look interested in a little touch tablet toy but then he threw it!!! WE will get there. John and Silas were playing a rolling back and forth game this afternoon so I think he will love balls! I just can't wait to get to know him better everyday!... One more thing he HATES to go to sleep but once he is asleep he talks like Cole and he sleeps in very funny positions!!!
Jasper, he is so quite and lost in his own little world but when it is feeding time he sure wakes up and flies over to you! I think that will be my best window into his world! He let's me cuddle him and he LOVES kisses. He DOES NOT like wheat baby cereal. Him and Bridget are best pals, they keep an eye on each other which is so cute! He loves rattles, well he loves one rattle more than the others and will throw all of them until he found the one he loves!!! We are hearing a lot of sounds coming from him and we are slowing getting to know him. I always tell him he is going to be my diamond, I am going to take him home and polish him til he shines!!!!! (His name means my treasure or jewel)
In 48hrs we have seen highs and lows and I just can't wait to get them home! They are going to be so different in a few months you won't believe me that they are the same kids and I hope the orphanage feels the same way too! We do plan on keeping in touch and giving A LOT of updates!!!
So what happened today? This morning we had to go to the train station to pick up some paperwork and then find a copy machine to make three copies of each document before our embassy appointment at 9am. We just sat in the car while our driver ran around like crazy, we prayed so hard that God would get every thing done in time! Copies were done in the nick of time and we got to the embassy waited about 3mins and our number was called! Fred handled the paperwork while John and I handled the kids! We were done in about an hour at the embassy and we were done!!! We took the kids to the apartment and I sent John and Fred out to do some shopping and sight seeing!!! They had fun and so did I!!!
Tomorrow?... Tomorrow our driver will go pick up the kids passports (another answer to prayer) then pick up the kids medical documents and then then come pick us up for our second and last embassy appointment! After that we are cleared to leave this country!!! Fred is in the process of making travel plans home so stay tuned!!!!!
Rejoicing!!! So soon you will have all FIVE KIDS under one roof!!