Rorie and Cole have both changed so much I just can't even remember the kids they were when they first came home! Rorie is so strong and such a big helper. She has learned so many words it's crazy to me. She is now putting words together and she REALLY knows what she wants, today she asked to go to "Church"... LOL! The other morning when we were eating breakfast and I was feeding Cole yogurt she said "Yummmm Cole is that good?" I couldn't believe it, she is so smart I just can't say enough about her!
Cole... Cole... Cole... He is the most AMAZING blessing God has ever given me... so far!!!! This little boy is doing things I will be honest and a little ashamed to admit, I just didn't think he would do and I was ok with it. The other day he was in his chair and after getting a drink from his sippy cup he picked it up all by himself and just held it. He wasn't sure what to do with it next but just picking it up and not throwing it or pushing off the table that is HUGE for him!!! In therapy the other day he took 23 steps holding onto the therapists hands and they are starting to have him walk on a treadmill. In speech he is starting to mimic sounds "p-p-p" "b-b-b" and "wa-wa-wa", and they didn't even want to give him speech at all! I can't wait to see how he will grown in another 6 months!!!! He has an appointment with the ortho, cardio, urology and he will have a swallow study done very soon. He is getting so BIG!
I am telling you all this because if it weren't for Fred and my willingness to follow God's plan for our life Cole and Rorie would be very different kids. I believe whole heartedly that Cole may have given up and may very well not be here on earth. These kids that Fred and I are fighting to get home NEED us, They NEED to have a Mommy that will fight to get them the medical attention they deserve and the care they NEED to be successful. They NEED a Daddy that will come home from working all day and just love on them. They Need a YOUNGER Big sister that will show them the ropes and help take care of them and they NEED a little brother to play with. They Need a strong church family that will help take care of them and help nurture their growing faith. And they need a family that will love and accept them for who they are and love them NO MATTER WHAT. If Fred and I didn't follow God's call on our life these little ones would NEVER know any of these things. People make excuses why they think they could never adopt but if they stepped back and let God work He would "Bless Your Socks Off!!!!" Please help us to bring these little ones home. They started out life all alone not wanted and sent to a baby house where they received the worst care possible, one of our little guys barely made it. Once transferred to the institution, completely by God's grace, someone looked at this little boy that everyone else in his short life saw "nothing" and they decided to give him a chance. He was evaluated and put in the rehab groupa where he received better food and better care. A year later this 5 year old boy is doing better but is still living with very little stimulation, he doesn't even know how to play with toys. What little kid do you know that doesn't know how to play with toys? I have been told he wears a size 6mths clothing... HELP me bring this boy home!!!!
His brother who started off life the same way has been with him since the beginning. But he was evaluated and placed in the laying room... that is exactly how it sounds the kids spend their days and nights laying in a bed. Very little if any stimulation and attention given. I am happy to report that he just received an evaluation and has been moved to the "rehab groupa" and is now reunited with his brother.
Here is what you do not know there was a little girl that has been with the boys since the beginning as well. When I learned of her immediately I felt God say... "Yup, her too". But I ignored it. I thought no this is just me being crazy and I put it out of my head. As we went along with the adoption the pull on my heart got harder and harder to ignore and I fought God tooth and nail. I even verbally said out loud, "NO Lord I WILL NOT LOVE HER", "I CAN"T"! After that I got really sick and I realized the reasons that I told my self I couldn't do it were selfish and that if God wanted this for my life then I will have to trust that HE will make everything work out! I was so worried about what "people" would think... crazy right? But I did and then my Mom said to me "who am I to tell you what God has or doesn't have for your life?" Imagine the blessing we miss out on because we do not follow what God has for our life, we want to control our lives but I don't know about you every time I'm in control I seem to make things worse. Stepping out of the way and letting God do it has been working out SOOOO much better! So let me tell you a little something about "Anya". She will be 6years old in December, when she was transferred she met the same fate as "Roly" and was sent to the laying room. A year ago this little girl still had a light in her eyes and was cuddly and loving. After 365 days of laying... just laying she has regressed and it breaks my heart. I don't think I have ever felt this kind of pain in my whole life. She receives NO stimulation and due to the lack there of she pokes herself in her eyes. This leaves me with the question WHY?????? Because she doesn't fit into a society's view of "Normal"! Does this make sense to anyone? Here comes the blessing part... This little girl was evaluated and God saw it fit to put on the person that was doing the evaluation to move her and she is now in the same room with her brothers and now they are just waiting for Mommy and Daddy to come and get them!!!!! I serve such a merciful God, looking back on this short journey that isn't even over yet I can't believe that with me just stepping out of the way how God has directed our path and has changed our lives. And that he loves me so much that he is giving us this GREAT opportunity!!!!
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Thursday, October 25, 2012
So Much Family Fun
Park Fun Cole LOVES the swing!!!!
Rorie is my little Popeye the Sailor Girl!!!!
ZOO FUN with JoJo and Isaac
Rorie and Cole really are the best of Friends... MOST of the time!!!
Linder's Farm Fun... We loved the Pig!!!!
So many pumpkin's to choose from, she has a tough choice...
Adoption Auction
Final moments of our adoption auction we are doing GREAT help usto finish strong only 15mins left!!!!!!
Friday, October 19, 2012
What's been going on???
Fred and I have been soooo busy and I have feel bad that I haven't stayed current with our blog. We have been working very hard to raise money for our adoption. Right now the things that we are doing is: We have an on-line auction you can check it out here:
We also have been collecting cans and spare change which has been helpful. There has been a few other things that we have done and that are working on putting together so there is that!
WE were cruzin on out paperwork but for some reason I feel like we have slowed down I have done all I can do now I need to wait for people to catch up to me... LOL! Sometimes it can be discouraging cuz I wish I could jump on a plane get them home and worry about everything else later. There has been some changes but for now I need to keep it to myself. I will let you in as soon as I can all I need right now is A LOT of prayer!!!!!!
Our family is doing Great; you how when you and your spouse go through something stressful and it can almost break you? I feel like the opposite has happened with this adoption, lately Fred and I have become even better friends than we were before. God has let me see him in a new light that make me whole heartedly love, cherish and respect him. I feel like the most blessed women on earth and it leaves me thinking; I don't deserve all these blessings Lord but I thank you that you see something in me that you would bless me we the opportunity to add to our family. WE have has so much support and well wishes from everyone and I couldn't ask for more. Rorie and Cole are doing soo GREAT!! Rorie is getting so excited to have "little" "older/big" siblings, she is such a big helper with Cole I think she is going to do GREAT!!! I think she may have a hard time sharing her Grammy but other than that she will do great. I don't think Cole understands but he has been so busy lately he gets stronger every single day and he amazes me!!! I do hope to update more often and I know when we are in country this will be my main source for updates.
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE be praying that is the highest need right now!!!
Check out our auction is closes in about a week and we have some GREAT stuff:
We also have been collecting cans and spare change which has been helpful. There has been a few other things that we have done and that are working on putting together so there is that!
WE were cruzin on out paperwork but for some reason I feel like we have slowed down I have done all I can do now I need to wait for people to catch up to me... LOL! Sometimes it can be discouraging cuz I wish I could jump on a plane get them home and worry about everything else later. There has been some changes but for now I need to keep it to myself. I will let you in as soon as I can all I need right now is A LOT of prayer!!!!!!
Our family is doing Great; you how when you and your spouse go through something stressful and it can almost break you? I feel like the opposite has happened with this adoption, lately Fred and I have become even better friends than we were before. God has let me see him in a new light that make me whole heartedly love, cherish and respect him. I feel like the most blessed women on earth and it leaves me thinking; I don't deserve all these blessings Lord but I thank you that you see something in me that you would bless me we the opportunity to add to our family. WE have has so much support and well wishes from everyone and I couldn't ask for more. Rorie and Cole are doing soo GREAT!! Rorie is getting so excited to have "little" "older/big" siblings, she is such a big helper with Cole I think she is going to do GREAT!!! I think she may have a hard time sharing her Grammy but other than that she will do great. I don't think Cole understands but he has been so busy lately he gets stronger every single day and he amazes me!!! I do hope to update more often and I know when we are in country this will be my main source for updates.
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE be praying that is the highest need right now!!!
Check out our auction is closes in about a week and we have some GREAT stuff:
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Adoption Auction
Hello Family and Friends,
I know most of you know that Fred
and I are in the process of our second adoption. We have already done a few
fundraisers that have been very successful! We had a rummage sale and we are
currently collecting cans as well as asking people to save their spare change
in a bottle; our church has a big “Spare Change” jug and has been doing very
well. This time around we are doing something a little different; we are
setting up an online silent auction. We have a lot of great stuff so far but
would like to see if anyone has anything they would like to donate. If so
please email me a picture (we can post up to 4 photos per item), a description and
an estimated value OR if you can get me the item(s) I can do the work!!!! Fred
and I can offer a tax receipt for any donations. Weather you can or cannot
donate, we are asking that you check out our auction! There is something for everyone PLEASE pass
the link on to your friends, family and even your enemies we NEED to bring
these boys home!!!!!
auction will officially start on my Birthday October 2nd and we will
have it run through October 25th at 8:00pm (My Mommy’s Birthday) I
can’t think of a better birthday gift you could give me or my Mom than to check
our auction out and BID BID BID, Share Share Share, then BID BID BID again!!!!
Check it often we will be adding things as we get them so there may be new
things up every day!!!
Some things that we have and/or are
looking for are sports memorabilia (signed Yovani Gallardo jersey), Tupperware,
Partylite, perfume sets, gift cards, handmade gifts, services (Fred is offering
Free raking/shoveling/mowing or weeding for up to 6hrs on a Saturday for local
serves only), etc…
Thank you in advance for your
Amanda & Fred, Rorie &
Thursday, August 30, 2012
Paperwork is Off!!!
Ok here is when FAITH has to kick in and we have to just have FAITH that God has this adoption in His hands!!! In the last few days God has been doing so much in our life as well as in the other adoptive families around us... SO in FAITH I sent off all our Home Study paperwork and now we need to raise $1600 to pay for it! For our last adoption we knew exactly how much we needed to raise and we were able to post that, this time we have a ballpark number but we are just moving forward and prayig that God will take care of the rest!!! If you are not a "Believer" (I say believer because the word "christian" has lost A LOT of meaning over the years) so if you DO NOT have a RELATIONSHIP with the Lord Jesus Christ you could never know how he works but I'm keeping this blog in hopes that you will witness "What a FRIEND I have in Jesus!!!" He really will guide you feet if you surender your life to Him; I know for some that is hard and scary or maybe you think you already have but you are "secretly" holding on to "You're Will", God can't use you if your not willing!!! He has such GREAT plans for your life if you would only let Him work through you!!! In fact believe it or not, He has something better that you could have EVER planned... will you trust Him??? That's what Fred and I are doing and I know He wont let me fall!!!!
What a friend we have in Jesus,
all our sins and griefs to bear!
What a privilege to carry everything to God in prayer!
O what peace we often forfeit,
O what needless pain we bear,
all because we do not carry everything to God in prayer.
Have we trials and temptations?
Is there trouble anywhere?
We should never be discouraged;
take it to the Lord in prayer.
Can we find a friend so faithful who will all our sorrows share?
Jesus knows our every weakness;
take it to the Lord in prayer.
Are we weak and heavy laden,
cumbered with a load of care?
Precious Savior, still our refuge;
take it to the Lord in prayer.
Do thy friends despise, forsake thee?
Take it to the Lord in prayer!
In his arms he'll take and shield thee;
thou wilt find a solace there.
What a friend we have in Jesus,
all our sins and griefs to bear!
What a privilege to carry everything to God in prayer!
O what peace we often forfeit,
O what needless pain we bear,
all because we do not carry everything to God in prayer.
Have we trials and temptations?
Is there trouble anywhere?
We should never be discouraged;
take it to the Lord in prayer.
Can we find a friend so faithful who will all our sorrows share?
Jesus knows our every weakness;
take it to the Lord in prayer.
Are we weak and heavy laden,
cumbered with a load of care?
Precious Savior, still our refuge;
take it to the Lord in prayer.
Do thy friends despise, forsake thee?
Take it to the Lord in prayer!
In his arms he'll take and shield thee;
thou wilt find a solace there.
Monday, August 27, 2012
Happy Happy Birthday Cole!!!
On Wednesday Cole graduated from his Birth to 3 program, what a BIG BOY!!! I can't even begin to tell what a different boy he is and I can NEVER EVER thank the Special Care Nursery staff, therapists and Care coordinators for ALL they did for my boy and our family!!! I will Never forget them ALL!!!
Saturday Fred and I took the kids to Bay Beach to celebrate Cole's birthday and BOY OH BOY did they LOVE it!!!! Sunday Cole turned 3years old, after Cole's birthday party (NO NAPS) Rorie sat down to eat dinner but she didn't get very far!!! Poor kid!!!
Next week he goes to school... this is all happening way to fast!!! I'm going to be a "Cryin Reck" next week Tuesday!!!
This morning Cole after only fussing at me a bit allowed me to brush his teeth and his gums with a finger brush. Doesn't sound very big but for a boy that won't let ANYTHING even close to his mouth but a spoon this is so HUGE!!! I was alone and I only had Rorie to get excited with. I told her, "Look Rorie brother is brushing his teeth is that GREAT!!!” she looked at me like yeah Mom that's great... CRAZY!!! This is all in hopes that he will one day chew his food and I can STOP blending it!!!!
Adoption Update:
*I had my medical exam today and Fred goes Wednesday and the kids go Thursday so it is a busy week!!! Once those forms are all done and notarized our Home Study can be finished!!!
*Still waiting for our tax returns PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE be praying it would just put Fred and I at ease to know exactly how much we are going to have to fundraise!!!!
*We are collecting cans I have picked up bags from a few friends and Fred stopped his 30day No Soda challenge; he says it is because he has to drink soda to bring the boys home, I don't know how much I believe that!!!
*I have made room for rummage stuff and I have stickers and labels for pricing so if you have anything to donate PLEASE let me know and I will come get it or we will work something out! (Please only donate things you would buy!) The Rummage will be at our house Friday September 14th from 10am-3pm & Saturday September 15th from 9am-3pm come shop or help either one will be welcomed!!!
*We started a spare change jar at our house and it is already half full, we are going to put one at church and we will see where that goes!!! If you would like to keep a "spare change jar" to donate to our adoption we would GREATLY appreciate that and I would be happy to pick it up when you believe it is full!!!
We have a few other ideas but we will see if we will need them!!! I think that is it for now! Just PLEASE be praying!!!
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
In the Midst of things...
Sorry to drop a bomb on you and then go silent! I have been so busy getting paperwork together, getting ready for back to school (back to AWANA) and preparing my house for two new little ones!!! Our Home Study is just about done we have medical appointments for the whole family next week. I filled out the USCIS application and that is ready to go as soon as we get the written copy of our Home Study back! I have started collecting cans and things for our rummage sale in September! Please let me know if you have anything to donate or if you have any cans you might need me to pick up! This adoption is REALLY moving much faster than the first one; I think because I know what I'm doing this time around and this time I can't explain the sense of URGENTCEY I feel. These boys NEED me and I can't wait to get there to be with them. WE are waiting for our tax return still and we are due to get the check September 2nd, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE be praying that it comes so we can just keep on cruzing!!! This week will be bringing MANY expenses and I feel such a push to get it all done!!!
Last week I was on the phone with my sister Jessica and my niece Deb got on the phone and told me her best friend and her spent the afternoon doing a lemon aid stand and they raised $24.25; I thought wow that's Great! Then she continued to say "and I want to give it to you to help the boys come HOME..." I started tearing up when she said "Sorry it's not more..." I swallowed my tears and told her that the money she had raised will go a long way and that I was so blessed to have her then I had to hurry her off the phone because I couldn't fight the tears anymore; and I wanted to maintain my "Cool Aunt" status. Jessica came back on the phone and I could hear my older niece Frankie in the back ground say "Auntie are you mad? What’s wrong...?” Well now I had to let the cat out of the bag; Cool Aunt Amanda was crying!!! (I don't know if they think I'm cool but I like to think that they do!!!) I can't put into words HOW MUCH I LOVE LOVE LOVE my family and I how I just don't think I could do this without them!!! THANK YOU!!!!
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Heart Touching
Just by word of mouth my sister's friend's Mom heard about our adoption and that we were collecting cans, she said if we want them come and get them so we did... Her grandson helped us load up our van (THANKS ALEX) and we took them to turn in!!! 83.5lbs that was $20.50; that may not sound like a lot to you but I will tell you what that will pay for... Every form we complete needs to be apostilled or certified and each apostille is $10 so that will pay for 2 apostilles and the postage to get it to Madison to get it done!!! When I say every penny helps I truly am NOT lying!!!! Thank you from the bottom of my HEART!!!
Monday, August 13, 2012
If You Can Help!!!
If you can help we won’t say “NO”!!! Any help is welcome; we have a few fundraisers that are coming up quick…
1. We are collecting aluminum cans so if you DON’T already save cans for yourself then we would be happy to collect them from you! You can either call me or Fred and we will pick them up from you; Or you can drop them off at our house or our Church (Calvary Bible Church in West Allis); Or if you are feeling REALLY ambitious you can take the cans in and just donate us the money either in person or on our “Chip In” on our Blog… I hope to have Fred put it on the blog in the next day or two!!!
2. We will have a “Spare Change Jar” at our Church; when it comes down to it every little bit really and truly does help! Fred and I saved our spare change from just a month and a half and we got $71… that’s 7 forms apostilled/certified!!! If you would like to start a “Spare Change Jar” in your own home that would be great too, I will be willing to come and pick it up when you feel it is full as long as you are in driving distance! (Less that 5hrs round trip… LOL)
3. Friday and Saturday September 14th & 15th we will be doing a HUGE rummage so if you have anything you can donate let Fred or I know by phone or Facebook or email and we will do our best to come and get it. We will be cleaning out our garage to start storing things. Again if you are feeling ambitious you can pre-price your items and drop them off as well I will do my best to have a COLD something to drink in my fridge to offer you!!! If you donate we can provide you with a tax deductible receipt. Please ONLY donate things you would buy!!! Also if you can help with set up, selling or packing up that will GREATLY be appreciated!!!
4. We are trying to plan a Fall Kickball Tournament in October I have to check with Fred on the Date but details to follow very soon!
NOW Drumroll PLEASE…………The Boys!!!!..
Felix Zachary
Silas Frank...
Dont they already look like brothers? I think they will fit in perfectly!!!
Keep Praying!!!!
Let's start from the beginning...
About 6 months ago my heart was being pulled to adopt again, I stared looking into the process again and at the waiting children pics and that only made my heart “WANT” more. Slowly I started making playful comments to Fred to see where his head was at. At first he was like “Not for a LONG time”… so I thought well if he says NO then why are you giving me the burden Lord? So I prayed and I began to seek God’s face and his path about a month later I joked with Fred again and he said “Ok start raising the money now and then in 3yrs we will do it”; NOT the answer I wanted to hear so I got back on my knees again and prayed for understanding of why God gave me this burden if my husband was going to stand in the way? GOD ANSWERS PRAYER… about a month or two later, and now the burden on my heart was even stronger and it was getting kinda hard to “wait on the Lord”. So this time I went to Fred, not in a playful way but a very matter of fact way, and I asked him again… this time Fred said “Ok… show me pictures!” I bout fell on the floor I was all ready for a big argument or my heart to be broken but no he wanted to look at pictures… WOW!!!
(Backing up just a bit because the next part of my story needs for you to know this to see how AMAZING the God I serve is.)
When going through our first adoption I fell in LOVE with a little guy that REALLY needed a home but I had my heart set on 2 “little ones” and if I remember correctly he was the only one available so I moved on and found Rorie and in another roundabout way I found Cole!!! (If you don’t know, Fred and I wanted to commit to a little blond guy but another family had committed to him that morning and I was so upset I had to find this family and follow them… not in a creepy way… to make sure he was going to a good home and I am happy to say that I believe he is right where he should be; and I can’t even imagine life without my Colester) Moving on… So this little guy was still available for adoption but had been moved to an institution. My heart wanted him sooooo bad but there was also a little girl with a VERY large grant that Fred really wanted. Now if you don’t know me I would be happy to LOVE any kid but for some reason my heart was pulled to the little boy so what did I do, I prayed and I went to Gods word and I really searched for what God wanted for Fred and I. Now up until this point I felt like I could actually hear God and I felt like ok things are clicking and this is where He wants us but which kid Lord show me… SILENCE!!!!! “Uhhh HELLO God what’s your answer… God ya there???” Three days… SILENCE…
I was doing a study and the lesson was on contentment (A VERY HARD THING FOR ME) but I took it to heart and I looked at Rorie and Cole and thought “Ok, Lord… I am happy with Rorie and Cole and if this is all you want for us (assuming of course that His silence was my answer “NO”) I can be content with that!” And that I thought was that… UNTIL…
It was a Wednesday morning and my Mom and I decided to take the kids and my two nephews to the $2 movies. We got to our seat and everyone sat down and my Mom went to get more popcorn, while I watched the kids. Now I never go on my phone in the theater because I HATE when people do that and at this point Facebook didn’t interest me, not to mention I was sitting with four kids that could have used my attention (which is the only embarrassing part to this story please overlook it), so this next part is a true and total testament to how GOD works (Listen UP!) I pulled out my phone and thought “Well there is time before the movie I’m gonna look at “waiting kids” pics… NO I am CONTENT!!!! I will check out Facebook”… and I did just that!!! My phone logged onto FB at 9:42am and at the very top of my news feed in fact the very first post was a very close friend of mine with a link to a blog for a little boy that NEEDED a family desperately she posted at 9:33am. I clicked on thinking “Oh maybe I can repost and get the word out to help find this boy a home…” The first pic loaded and there was a pic of a boy I recognized but when you look at “waiting children” you forget who you have seen and not seen. As I scrolled down the page and the boy in the pictures got older and older I realized that is the boy I had been praying for. My eyes started pouring out tears and I don’t mean a little sniffle I mean “Ugly Crying”… At this point my Mom came back with the popcorn and said “Oh No what happened” giving my nephews a dirty look like “What did you two do?” I caught my breath and stepped out into the lobby to message my friend back. I talked to Fred and he was completely on board!!! Here we go again… I so excited and this is a REALLY good story right??? Well that is ONLY the beginning!
Remember how I told you about the little blond boy we wanted to commit to with Rorie and that another family had committed to him that morning… well after a few days of the excitement wore off about this new little guy and Fred and I had a chance to really think about all the details, we were ready to commit. But I got a phone call from this friend of mine letting me know her husband had finally said yes and that they would want nothing more than to bring this guy home. You might think I was angry or hurt or sad but I think our reaction is just another testimony to how God works everything out! I was happy… the other mother and I just thought what an amazing thing that here we are two families that want to love this boy that nobody wanted! Two families that want to do all we can for him that was the amazing thing we chose to see and I thought it only fitting that it would be her to adopt him since she already had my other son… JK!!!
(Sorry, another story within a story)Before I got this call and while I was learning all I could about this little guy that I thought was going to join the Karol Klan I noticed another little guy that stole my heart and I just couldn’t get my mind off of him. I inquired about him and found that he was available for adoption and I thought, ”Oh no, Fred will NEVER go for it… this is what I will do I will get us approved for more than one kid and when we get there I will tell Fred we can’t leave without him”… Well I can’t keep secrets from God and an hour later I got that call from my friend saying how much she wanted the first boy! I believe that if I hadn’t fallen in Love with the first little guy I would have never found “Zachy” who we hope to name Felix (Blessed; Fortunate) Zachary (God Remembered)!... WOW is that the END you ask, “NO”!!! (I will give you the very short version of the rest of the story because I don’t want you to fall asleep!
God knows your heart better than even you and he blessed me with the knowledge of ANOTHER little guy in the same facility that needs a Mommy and Daddy and YES we are going to be adopting him too, we hope to name him Silas (Companion) Frank (Free Man; it’s also Fred’s grandpa’s name)! Both boys are 5 and need us AS SOON AS POSSIBLE!!! I have been working VERY hard on getting all our paperwork put together and our homestudy is nearly complied. We will be doing some fundraisers that I will post later and Fred will have a “Chip In” put up on our blog in the next day or two, but more than anything else we need your love, support, encouragement and MOST OF ALL we COVET your PRAYERS!!!!!! Through this whole thing so far God has laid a VERY special song on my heart that is constantly in my head, I wake up every morning singing it…
“My God is so GREAT, so STRONGE and so MIGHTY
My God is so GREAT, so STRONGE and so MIGHTY
The mountains are His, the rivers are His, the sky are His handy work too!
My God is so GREAT, so STRONGE and so MIGHTY
Oh it’s SOOOOO true!!! Photos to follow!!!
Sunday, August 5, 2012
Summer FUN!!!!
(Sorry I meant to post this a week ago!)
We have had so much fun this Summer so far! Rorie's teacher and therapists suggested keeping a summer scrapebook and it has been so GREAT! Rorie loves pictures, especially ones of herslef so looking back at what we have done so far has been good!!! The begining of the summer was so busy we had 8 birthdays, a wedding, a BIG holiday celabration (on the HOTTEST day of the year) and a special family gathering. Not only all that but Fred's grandpa was in the hospital for a little over a week and we wanted to help out and visit as much as we could! Busy busy busy. Praise God this have settled down a little bit. We still keep busy Monday mornings Rorie and I go to the West Allis Library while Cole is at Pennfeild, we have been trying to go swimming at different splash pools in the area on Tuesdays but it has been so stinkin HOT. We are going to try the $2 movies at Marcus Theaters this Wednesday they are showing "the LORAX" and on Thursday we try to go somewhere specail... Discovery World, Betty Brinn, the Zoo, etc...
With being so busy we were feeling a little like "Peter", we were watchin the waves more than we were focusing on our Savior! I believe that we NEED to go through times like that to draw closer to God and more appreciative of not only your salvation but the relationship we have with our Lord. Also God talks to you muc clearer the closer you are to Him!!! "Whats that Lord?, another adoption!?!?!?!?"... Please be praying!!!
Thursday, June 21, 2012
How they have grown...
I can't believe how fast time has gone and how big my little ones have grown. Where to start? Rorie... she has finished her first year of school and has learned soooo much. She knows lots of signs and uses them correctly; she has also learned lots of words. She has always had a BIG personality but know you can see how truly smart she is. She knows who she can get what from and that when Mama is around she can't get away with anything! My Mom's cat scratched her yesterday on the leg and today when Cole was having an upset tummy and he needed my attention she came up to me and showed me the scratch and started "fake" crying. Stuff like that.. she is so smart! She amazes me everyday!!!
Cole... Oh man where do I start? He is a standing man now; about a month ago he pulled himself to a standing position in the pack'n'play while we were on vacation. Since then he has really been experimenting with his legs and how he gets around. He knows my voice when I walk in a room and if I'm out at night he waits up until I get home before he goes to sleep. He is also very smart; he is learning that if he doesn't like something or he wants to be picked all he has to do is let out a little cry and Mama will come a-runnin. That boy has me wrapped around his little cubby fingers. He is going to be starting school in fall. He will be in the same class as Rorie and that makes me very happy. I am getting involved with the SEPTA group at Irving; which is something new in Wisconsin, I believe West Allis school district is the only district to have a Special Education PTA. This was the first year for SEPTA and it has been very helpful. It is a GREAT parent resource as well as a good outlet for parents and teachers. I have made friends with some of the Mom's in Rorie's class(which some of you know that was a fear of mine) but we have monthly "therapy" sessions usually over lunch or drinks. I have no paying job but I am enjoying motherhood and waiting patiently until Fred is ready to do it ALL again... Looking back on the whole experience from start to finish it has changed me completely. I see things differently and I value things more now and above all I have learned to find the good in a tough situation; I have learned that GOD IS TRULY GREAT and that I always want to be in His arms!!! My heart melts when I get to go in their dark rooms at night and see cribs with two of the world’s most amazing, most wonderful blessings. How could you NOT want to do this Again and Again???
My little MAN standing up!!! He is so strong!!!
Next year Rorie is gonna sign up for T-Ball... If she can focus long enough LOL!!!
Cole likes the dirt and was a BIG helper planting our flowers!
Rorie didn't like getting her hands dirty but once we got going she loved helping!!!
"Look at my dirty hands Ms. Ferris and I only gave my Mom a hard for a few minutes..."
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
One Year Ago...
One year ago January 30th Fred and I flew out of Chicago; destination Kiev Ukraine. One year ago February 2nd Fred and I had our SDA appointment and were granted access to the orphanage. One year ago February 3rd I held my wonderful boy in my arms I kisses my little girl for the very first time. One year ago February 21st we had court and became a legal family. One year ago March 14th we got to walk out of those orphanage gates for good with our children in our arms. One year ago March 17th we returned to the Chicago airport and we are home at LAST!!!!







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