Monday, March 14, 2011

Where are we now???

Sorry we haven't updated our blog in a few days, it has been CRAZY here!!! On Wednesday we started our final paperwork run in region. What we thought would be one day of running around and then we would be done, turned into 2 ½ days but it all got done! I have to Thank God for the team we have working with us the kids passports were not going to be accepted but our facilitator made a call and… WA-LA!!!! Our facilitator was ABSOLUTLY AMAZING, she had to work (balance) with both us and the Burman Bunch at the same time, she was up all three days by 5am and ran around like a chicken with her head cut off, dodging bullets until 7at night then went back to her hotel to organize all four kids paperwork and help families that are preparing their dossiers back in the states! I’m telling you “Amazing” doesn’t begin to describe it!!! Then we were told that the soonest the passports would be done would be 5 days, that would have put us at this week Thursday. As we were pouting about the news, God was working!!!!! We got a call on Saturday that our passports were done and were expected to be in region Monday (today)!!! So today, Monday March 14th 2011, will be our “GOTCHA DAY”!!!

Also the orphanage has been quarantined so it has been hard to see the kids, which actually worked out cuz all we have been doing the last few days is packing and saying good-bye to our visiting “Church Family” and our new Ukraine (Crimean Tartar) family! I think I could write a book on all the blessing God has given us! I have wanted to go home so bad that I never thought of all that I will miss. This place has been my home for 40 LOOOONNGGGGG days and now that it’s time to say good-bye, I find it a little hard to do so!!!!! The family that we are staying with had us over last night and we played games until 2am… Laughing and crying! They told us after 40 days we have become their family… how do I say Good-bye to my new family??? I guess leaving this country is going to be harder than I thought!!!!

I am hoping to update the blog after we have sprung the kids but if everything goes as planned (PLEASE pray) we will be on the 4:00pm train bound for Kiev!!! So I will update the blog Tuesday!! I hope to get some “GOTCHA DAY” pics posted ASAP… but please bear with me!!!


  1. God's travels!

  2. Ah! The train!? I hope that you have a relaxing and enjoyable ride! God bless you as you do your paperwork in Kyiv. :)
