Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Hanging Out

So we found out Sunday night that because of Women's Day here in Ukraine we will have a bit of a delay, This is a huge thing here I guess the whole city shuts down to honor women (Maybe America should take the tip!!!!). It is very frustrating have to wat yet again but we will REJOICE IN THE LORD ALWAYS!!!!! One positive is that when we originally booked out tickets, we set a return date of March 16th because it was much cheaper than buying an open ended ticket. Well, with the delay now we are going to be pretty close to that date so it should save us some money as long as we don't have to change our travel date, Please keep that in prayer!

Visits are going well. Each day it seems that the kids are getting better and better. Rorie gets so excited when we come to her room to pick her up for our visit time. Cole is getting more attentive each passing day. He has been sitting up more and engaging a lot more which is exciting to see.

As you can see, we have just been hanging around here waiting. With the delay, it is possible that we wouldn't have to change our plane tickets which would be nice and save us about $600, but the passports for the kids have to get turned around really quick in order for us to make that date. Please continue to pray for us and for the passports and rest of the paperwork to get done quickly so we can make it home. Thanks for all of your support and prayers. Until we talk again....


  1. They are so precious!! God matched you guys up perfectly to these beautiful kids!!

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. ya know, it can get very difficult at the end because you can SEE the light at the end of the tunnel but you can't get there. just know that we're still praying you all home and you WILL get here. enventually. :)
