Monday, May 23, 2011

Sick Sick Sick...

I knew this day was gonna come and I thought a lot about how I would handle it... Last night at 10:45pm I went into a fussy little girls room to check on her and she was fussing in her sleep. I picked her up to hold her close and comfort her and not 2 mins later she pucked all over the floor. My sweet little stinker is sick... she was running a fever and her "spark" was gone. My poor girl I washed her up and brought her in bed, after a LONGGGGGGGG night she woke up feeling a bit better but is still not feeling 100%. But so far so good on my part I thought when this day came I would freak out and I would be that mother banging down the door of the ER to get my child help, but I was calm and collected and with Tanya and my Mom's help we are making it through!!!! I'll keep you posted if you keep Rorie in your prayers!!!! Cole had OT today and the therapist had him slide (slowly) down the slide, she held him the first time but let him hold him self up the second time and Fred said he did a great job she stayed sitting the whole time!!!! I'm so proud of that kid!!!!


  1. Poor Rorie! I hope she is feeling better soon but YEA for Mommy!!! You did real good handling it all! I told you you would be a great mom and you are! It is great to hear how much Cole is changing. I still think he will be mister mellow jello:)

  2. Hope you're all feeling better.

    Have you joined us on the After the Rainbow group yet? There is a page on Yuku that we're all moving to. Please come say hi! If you need help finding it or would just like to talk one-on-one with someone who has "been there" please feel free to email me at

    Rachel Whitmire
    Post-Adoption Care Coordinator
    Reeces Rainbow Down Syndrome Adoption Ministry
